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How To Make Overlays PNG



Today I'm going to tell you how to make overlays PNG. You can also use this to make other things PNG. If you don't know what overlays are, they look like this (See left below) and can be used like this (See right below)

See the top right and left corners


1. Eraser App

First of all, to get an eraser app. you can just go on the Play or Appstore and search "Eraser". You can also watch out for logo's that look like these. . .

Background Eraser --Free

Background Eraser --Free
Eraserback --Free

1. Open the app and use the eraser to rub out the background.

2. Some apps let you select a colour to remove. BUT this only works if the background is NOT the same colour as the overlay. EVEN IF the colour of the background, is included in the overlay.



If you don't want to get an app, or are unable to ect. You can try, an online photo editor, that is free to use, and doesn't require signing up.

1. Go to and open the image.

2. Click on "edit", at the top left. (In the menu) This will open more links, to which you should click on "Transparent" (The last item in the list)

3. Click on the colour you wish to make transparent, remembering my point from above.

4. Adjust the transparency until you are happy with the result. NOTE* If you increase the transparency too much, other colours will disappear too. This usually happens if the background colour is similar to any of the colours included in the overlay.


Making them look PNG, without actually being PNG

1. PicsArt/Superimpose

If you open PicsArt, or the app Superimpose which is very similar. You can simply place the overlay on your edit, and choose a filter. "Screen", "Lighten", "Overlay" and maybe "Difference" and "Colour burn" usually work best. Although this may not work all the time.

2. Phonto

You can also do something like above, in Phonto, but it doesn't really work. Add the image and adjust the alpha. It's better to use Phonto if the Overlay is already png.


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