Aug 8, 2016Make an Endslate with Powerpoint!If you don't have access to video editing software or don't have the money - PowerPoint is a free way to make yourself an endslate. It's...
Jun 8, 2016Phonto: IOS vs. AndroidPhonto is a great app. You can use it for adding cool text to images - but not all the features you might have heard of are available on...
May 2, 2016Editing Do's and Dont'sEverything has Do's and Don'ts. Not following them, may lead to disastrous situations! Are you really as Editing Savvy as you may think?...
Apr 23, 2016Search Keywords for Cool Editing ImagesHere are some search "keywords" for getting cool images for edits or icons. I'm going to group them all into different themes, with...
Apr 15, 2016How to reduce the amount of space PicCollage takes up - Without deleting it!OhNo! You're running out of space on your tablet device! You are reluctant to, but may have to consider - Deleting PicCollage...